「pisscloseup厕所撒尿」「卫生间漏水怎么办」“You should’ve been a lawyer.” “I should have been a great many things.” 喜歡衣著和風景Jo讓我想到傲慢與偏見的二女兒Lorry到底愛誰啊明明前面帶大女兒去舞會接著又跟二女兒求婚後來卻娶了小女兒...原來是這些演員年輕的時候難怪各個覺得面熟燒掉手稿這種事根本不可原諒如果我有這種妹妹(或身邊有這種人)我也不會原諒
God damn, a really good movie but also it’s one of those eating disorder provoking things that snap right on my big fat face. You are born a girl or a boy, just like you are born fat or skinny, nothing in between. If you ever want to change the natural form of your body well good luck, it will be long and painful.